Hourstack for Freelancers

Manage freelance work
easily & accurately

Organize tasks and projects, plan your schedule, and get detailed metrics on where you’ve spent time for accurate invoicing.

HourStack helps you organize client projects
Powering teams big and small
  • Power Digital
  • Citilitics
  • The Key
  • Redfits
  • Yux Design

Task & Project Management

Stay on top of tasks and projects

Create tasks, add details, and set deadlines to make sure everything gets done on time.

Already manage your tasks or projects somewhere else? Connect your favorite tools to see and track time on all of your tasks in HourStack.

  • List View

    A streamlined, focused way to create your to-do list without distractions

  • Board View

    Organize tasks in sections customizable to your workflow

  • Calendar View

    Visualize how time is being spent on different tasks

Scheduling & Time tracking

Get a realistic picture of your week

Make sure everything gets done on time by scheduling your tasks in HourStack. By time blocking your tasks, you’ll reduce distractions and improve productivity.

Then, track time directly on your calendar using HourStack’s built in timers. You can also enter time manually, or track from anywhere on the internet using our browser extensions.

See what you are working on, balance workloads, and hit your deadlines with ease

Reports & Analysis

Generate accurate, actionable reports

Get a detailed look at how you’ve spent your time so that you can bill clients easily and accurately. Save your frequently used views and export to Excel, Google sheets, or a CSV file.

Learn More
Insightful, real-time reports show you how time is spent across
Zapier Integration
Google Sheets Integration
Google Calendar Integration
Slack Integration
Asana Integration
Trello Integration
Apps & Integrations

Integrate with the tools you already use

Connect the apps and tools you already use to see and track all of your tasks, action items, and calendar events in one place.

See All Integrations
Bitbucket Integration
Todoist Integration
Hubspot Integration
Github Integration
Outlook Integration
More Integrations