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Adding and Managing Members

You can manage all members of your workspace, including inviting new members, on the members management page. This page allows you to add team members, and assign roles and permissions.

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Create and Manage Invites

When creating invites, you can specify the invitee's team and role so that once the invite is accepted, no further setup is required and the new member can begin using HourStack immediately.

If an invite is still pending after five days, we'll send the invitee a reminder email. Once the invite is accepted or declined, the inviter will receive a confirmation email.

Unaccepted invites can be canceled anytime.

Sort, Filter, and Search the Member List

  • Sort by name, email, date added, and last updated.
  • Filter by active status, role, and team.
  • Search by name and email.

Edit Invites and Members

You can update any invite or member's role, team, position on the team, capacity, and default allocated time for new tasks from this page. For more information on setting roles and permissions, please see the Managing Roles & Permissions help article.

Deactivate or Permanently Delete Members

Deactivating a member stops their billing and removes their access, but their history is retained within the workspace.

Deleting a member permanently stops their billing, removes their access, and also removes their history from the workspace.

Bulk Manage Members

Select multiple members and update the assigned team or role, or deactivate or permanently delete them all.


Member management requires the Members permission.

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