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Managing Exports

Within HourStack you can export reports and workspace data. Your export history is searchable and exports can be downloaded or deleted anytime within the 30-day retention period. Your exports are only accessible to you. Access exports under your workspace settings.

Export to CSV, Excel, or Google Sheets formats

Excel and Google Sheets will have the same formatting and can contain multiple tabs (used when exporting multiple resources within your workspace). CSV files don't have formatting and can only be a single page, so only available for exporting report data and not workspace resources.

Custom Names for Exports

This will help you find the export more easily, especially when exporting to Google Sheets, which will create the file in your root folder.

Export Complete Notifications

Larger exports will give you the option to be notified via email once the export is complete; no need to wait for the export to process.

Secure Cloud Storage

Exports are stored securely and privately with our cloud provider for up to 30 days. When a download is requested, we generate a temporary signed URL so only you can access it.

Manage Export History

Export history is searchable and exports can be downloaded or deleted anytime within the 30-day retention period.


Exports are scoped to individual workspace members and are not accessible by anyone else.

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