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Personal and Team Views

Whether you have a personal workspace or are a member of a team, you'll likely spend much of your time in the personal calendar view. This view shows just your tasks for the selected timeframe.

There are subviews based on time periods to get a different look at your schedule; day, week, or month.

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If you are part of a team workspace, then you'll have a link above the calendar to select the personal view. Otherwise, you'll always have the personal view selected by default.

Also above the calendar, you'll be able to select if you want to view your schedule on a day, week, or month timeframe.

Day View

Day view gives you a distraction-free look at your schedule for a single day. When you are working on tasks, this is the suggested view. In the daily summary section, you'll see your total time logged as well as availability and time scheduled for the day and the number of tasks completed out of the total scheduled. Together, these will give you an idea of your progress for the day.

Keyboard Shortcut

Press 1 to switch to the personal day view.

Week View

Week view is great for scheduling tasks in the short term and getting a good look at what you've got coming up during the week. Each day has the total time available, scheduled, and logged listed at the top of the column so you can ensure you are not overextended on any day.

Keyboard Shortcut

Press 2 to switch to the personal week view.

Month View

Month view takes a further step back. The tasks give only the name and the scheduled (blue) or logged (green) time depending on the timer status. This view is best for moving entries between weeks quickly as well as seeing a longer-term view of your schedule.

Keyboard Shortcut

Press 3 to switch to the personal month view.

Viewing Other Member’s Personal Views

If your workspace has multiple members and you have the correct permissions, then you'll see a member list in your sidebar and you can view the day, week, or month views for another member by clicking on their icon. This will work exactly like your personal view, but you'll be creating and updating tasks for that member.

Team Views

Team views are available when you have multiple active members in your workspace and you have permission to view other members' tasks (either within your assigned team or throughout your workspace).

The Team View shows one week at a time and adds the member sidebar, where you'll find all the workspace members available to you based on your permissions.

To access the Team View click the Team button at the top of your calendar.

Day View

The Day View will align your workspace members horizontally so you can directly see their schedules for a single day side by side. At the top of each column, you'll see the icon and name of each member along with the availability, scheduled time, and logged time along with a progress bar to give a quick visual reference.

You can filter the members shown by either selecting a team or by selecting individual members from the filters above the calendar.

Keyboard Shortcut

Press 4 to switch to the team day view.

Week View

The Week View will align your workspace members horizontally so you can see the full weekly schedule of your entire team. At the bottom of each column, you'll see the total availability, scheduled time, and logged time along with a progress bar to give a quick visual reference.

You can filter the members shown in the sidebar by either selecting a team or selecting individual members.

Keyboard Shortcut

Press 5 to switch to the team week view.

Switching to Personal View

Clicking on any member in the member sidebar will open the personal view for that member. You can then view their schedule in the day, week, or month view.

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