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Using Integrations

HourStack integrates with many tools that you already use, for example, Asana, Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Slack, and many more.

By using integrations you can easily drag tasks or events over to your week, plus perform other operations like exporting report data to Google Sheets.

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How to Connect Integrations

  1. To use integrations, first go to the Integrations page from the Settings menu and find your integration.
  2. Click the Connect button to move through the authorization process. You will need to grant the privileges listed on the authorization page for the integration to work fully.
  3. Navigate back to the Calendar View in HourStack, you will see the new icon appear in the right sidebar.
  4. Click the relevant integration icon, and start dragging tasks or events to your calendar.

For help on specific integrations, please see the list of integrations in the Help Center.

Scheduling Tasks with Integrations

HourStack offers a variety of integrations that allow your team to schedule and track time from the tasks, events, and issues they’re already working on — which means no duplicating tasks, interrupted workflows, or jumping back and forth between applications.

To open the integrations sidebar, click the "Integrations" icon at the right of the screen to manage your integrations. Once your integrations are added you will be able to click on their respective icons to toggle the sidebar for you. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Option/Alt + I.

Once you've connected and opened an integration you can start dragging and dropping items onto your calendar to create tasks and time entries for you and your team in HourStack.

Integrations are an incredibly helpful part of HourStack and a big topic. We have dedicated documentation pages for managing integrations as well as for each integration.

Data Freshness

When using the app with your integration sidebar open, we will "poll" the integration provider's API every 30 seconds to refresh all data the integration requires. We'll also refresh the data more frequently as you interact with the integration and tasks that are linked to source items from your integrations.

Task Relationships

When you create a task in HourStack from a source item (task, event, issue, etc) via an integration, the HourStack task will be linked to the source item. If you drag and drop that same source item into an HourStack calendar there are two distinct behaviors based on the completion status of the HourStack task:

  1. If the HourStack task is incomplete, a new time entry will be created for that task.
  2. If the HourStack task is complete, a new task and time entry will be created.

Task Title Syntax

We offer a simple syntax you can use in the title of your task, which will set the scheduled duration in HourStack automatically when creating an entry from an integration task. In HourStack, the brackets will be removed from the task title and the entry scheduled duration will be set to the value provided.

Inside of brackets ([]), add the hours and minutes using h for hours and m for minutes. You can use both together or just one of the two. Here are some examples:

  • Task Name [1h30m]
  • Task Name [75m]
  • Task Name [1h]
  • Task Name [30m]

How Errors are Handled

Integrations are incredibly powerful, but they are also delicate. As an example, with some providers, if you reset your password, they will revoke the access you've given to all third parties. This will break the integration without warning.

We try to handle errors for you where possible. In the case mentioned above, we'll detect that the integration is disconnected and we'll show you a warning and a link to reconnect it. That's a pretty simple example though. There are many other ways an integration can fail from authentication and missing resources to updated API endpoints and servers being down. Some we can handle for you, and some we can't.

When we can't handle it automatically, we'll let you know there was an issue and we'll provide a correlation ID. If the issue persists for you, you can contact us with that ID and we can check the error logs to see what details were logged from the integration provider.

You can also check the status page of the integration provider. If they have downtime, then we won’t be able to communicate with their API. Typically, if an issue persists, disconnecting and then reconnecting the integration will resolve it as long as it isn't related to systems being offline or other similar issues.

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