Common Business Challenges for Teams

For companies who operate with different internal teams, business challenges often crop up specific to productivity, process, and overall visibility into work being done. Interviewing Naturenetics, we zeroed in on some common challenges they faced with their internal teams — figuring out how to:

-Focus and prioritize the RIGHT tasks, blocking out time for the most important projects. It can be too easy to focus on so many of the routine day-to-day and suddenly find yourself without as much time for the things that matter most.

-Stay on track on a regular basis. This includes being able to easily start and stop timers, when accurate time tracking is important. This includes time and resource allocation as well.

-Increase visibility work being done across teams. Being able to see what team members are spending their time on and when can help identify resource gaps, slipped deadlines and inefficiencies.

-Improving business operations and procedures. A million things can be in the air at the same time, managing numerous client and project priorities. Making time to outline improvements for overall business operations and procedures often should be prioritized — but, all too often, fall on the back burner.

Implementing Solutions for Teams: Good Questions to Ask

Before implementing a time tracking technology solution that can help boost productivity on different teams, consider the following:

-How easily does it integrate with solutions already in use? If you're already using some other platforms, such as Asana for project management and Slack for communications, target a solution that works seamlessly with these applications. That way, they can plug into your current workflow without the need to jump back and forth between applications.

-How intuitive and flexible is it to use? Investing more time to learn a new software solution isn't an option for most companies. Identifying

-How much work is it to roll out to team members? Buy-in and adoption are top considerations when looking at longer term use and success of a new technology solution that is to be used by multiple individuals and teams. Ideally, you'd be able to start with a trial with resources to help people warm up to the idea, ramp up usage/adoption, and ask questions or remove roadblocks to prevent a full roll out.

-Is Support offered, and what's that experience like? At some point, you may run into a roadblock: you find a bug, you can't figure out how to use a certain feature, or you have questions about renewing your subscription. Having a responsive and clear support team can often make or break your customer experience, so look to see if email, chat or phone support is provided along with an estimated response time.

The Results: Implementing a Solid Time Tracker with Increased Team Visibility

With the help of the right time tracking solution, Naturenetics, was able to achieve the following results:

-More time was free to identify inefficiencies with visuals into team scheduling

- Improved overall accuracy with time tracking and resource allocation

-Implemented over 20 new company procedures, which made business operations run much more smoothly

Looking for complete case studies on how different agencies, teams, and independent contractors are able to improve on their business efficiencies and gain transparency with the right visual tool? Stay tuned, we'll be posting full use case stories soon on

Updated September 21, 2022 in Tips & Tricks